In markets and channels without store level data readily available, prioritizing resources can be difficult. This White Paper considers how Predictive Analytics can solve this problem for brand owners.
Flexing Field Sales Resources
How Dynamic Routing Can Improve ROI.
Improving Field Sales ROI
Field Sales teams are expensive to run, but their impact on sales can be challenging to calculate. Many brand owners rely on imprecise assumptions about the impact of sales activities on revenues to generate an assumed ROI.
Fixing On-Shelf Availability (OSA) Issues
Why have OSA issues hovered stubbornly at around 8% over the last 10 years? This White Paper explores the root causes of OSA problems and considers how an insight-led approach can make major inroads.
Optimizing New Product Execution
When it comes to new product launches, timing is key. Brand Owners invest significant sums in announcing their new products via advertising and PR campaigns, all carefully timed to coincide with the arrival of the product in stores. All too often, retailers don’t achieve the agreed level of distribution by the target date.
Digital Merchandising
This white paper explores how CG teams can take their organization to the next level with Digital Merchandising technology.
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